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Graffitti, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Poster, Site of the Marathon Bombing, Boston

Fallen Icicles, Night, 2011
Untitled (Baking Soda Spill, Cats Play),
Untitled (raining),
Go to Paintings

The Blackbird Project: An Installation

                     Extreme Close-Ups of the Wallace Stevens poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird"
Vimeo document of the Blackbird Project here.
Untitled, 2017
Leaf Concrete, 2016
Watermelon, 2015
Christmas lights, 2019
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                                     Waking / Slow : An Installation

                                     visuals: 10 abstract paintings
                         audio: John Cage's As Slow As Possible (piano)

Untitled,  2019
Sweat (after Gottlieb), 2020
Graffiti door, Boston, 2019
Untitled, 2022
Sea of Galilee, 2005
Leaves, 2010
Deer Isle, 2019
Afternoon, 2017
Sneakers, 2020
23 degrees, 2023
Gravestone, 2023
Checkia, 2024
Untitled, for her, 2020
A World of Our Own, 2021
All images copyrighted
Images may be used with attribution and notification
Manhattan, 2024
Three windows, Prague, 2024
Boston, 2023 2023